BWS Episode 10: Crystal Meth-ods

In this week's episode, Tony and Doug discuss how specialty malts can affect a beer's flavor. The conversation stemmed from a post on the Delmarva United Homebrewers Facebook page, where I had solicited questions. The reason is mildly complex, but it centers around the fact that there are few fermentables in specialty malts, so their sugars tend to stay sugars.
In the news portion of the show we discussed the recent acquisition of Blue Point by AB InBev. I think it signals a kind of property grab for exportable craft brews more aimed at Europe than here in the U.S. I also present my pet conspiracy theory about the last several mergers and purchases of and by major beer brands.
A quick appeal, if you are interested in following the beer news conversations online, we post as +State of the Beer on Google+. More >>>


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